Debating Degrees — 6 Reasons Higher Education Still Matters Today

In a world that brims with endless changes and innovation, it’s easy to find yourself wondering whether higher education is worth your while. Given the dynamic shifts occurring in the professional realm and the vast compendium of knowledge just a few clicks away, it’s valid to ask yourself this question — and if you find yourself struggling for a clear-cut answer, you’re certainly not alone.

Studies and headlines attest that college enrollment is indefinitely declining — meaning that, for many, the answer to our aforementioned question would appear to be no. Those deterred against earning their degrees cite rising tuition costs, institutional inaccessibility, the rising demand for tradespeople, and anxiety over mounting debt as chief concerns.

While this reasoning isn’t necessarily faulty, it fails to account for the entire picture. Higher education isn’t merely a matter of lofty academic pursuits. In fact, for countless college graduates, earning a degree is a transformative experience — one which many attest is of immeasurable personal value. In addition to acquiring critical skills, they’re encouraged to challenge their worldviews, push their intellectual and creative boundaries, and become better-rounded individuals.

Moreover, rather than forgoing higher education, many concerns can be negated by strategically choosing the right school for you. Universities such as Goodwin have a demonstrable history of addressing such challenges in stride — offering comprehensive financial aid, utilizing accessible instructional strategies, and providing an eclectic variety of career-ready programs designed to return the value of your collegiate investment.

Read on and explore why higher education is still impactful today.

A journey of empowerment — from A-to-Degree

Sure — after years of toiling over papers and presentations, pulling late-night study sessions, and clocking all those internship hours, it feels incredible to receive your diploma. But as the adage goes, it’s not the destination that counts — it’s the journey.

Whether you enroll in a Manufacturing program or study Human Services, higher education catalyzes personal growth, professional development, and societal progress — preparing you to succeed not just in your field, but as an active, empathetic, and socially aware citizen.

Let’s break down some of the advantages of pursuing your degree.

Reason #1: The influence of experts

The internet is indispensable in our day-to-day lives. Between the expanding treasure trove of accessible information and evolving AI technology, it’s easy to see why some believe there’s nothing worth knowing that can’t be found online.

While a good Google search might answer some inquiries, relying on the internet for your education is imperfect for forging new knowledge. Although technology is a powerful tool, cyberspace lacks the structured guidance and expertise that formal education offers. Universities provide in-depth, curated knowledge taught by professionals seasoned in their respective fields. Moreover, professors impart personalized instruction and support — a perk that can’t be replicated solely through online sources.

“One professor made it her personal mission to get me to dig deeper. I remember thinking ‘this is the type of professional I want to be’ - one who cares so deeply that she’s willing to go the extra mile.” - Destiny Davis, graduate

Moreover, studying under the tutelage of an expert provides personal and professional advantages. University faculty aren’t merely teachers — they are influential in preparing students to understand and meet the expectations of a given field. With their influence, students better prepare themselves to satisfy their career goals. Furthermore, networking with faculty can be a powerful tool for discovering career opportunities, fostering relevant professional connections, and developing a field-ready toolkit.

Reason #2: Connecting with colleagues

College isn’t only an opportunity to connect with established professionals — it can also lay the groundwork for creating meaningful and influential relationships with colleagues.

When you enroll in a program, you immerse yourself in a culture of learning alongside driven students with similar professional interests. Your classmates are more than educational compatriots — working together fosters collaborative thinking, meaningful discourse, and opportunities to challenge and develop your perspectives.

“I enjoyed the relationships I built with fellow students. There is a restaurant down the street from campus that we sometimes went to after class and hang out, talk, and grab a bite to eat. We studied together before tests and shared notes. We would connect, talk to each other, give each other advice, bounce ideas off of each other, and overall support each other.”- Molly Vargo, graduate

Moreover, the connections forged among peers during college can be of significant personal and professional influence. Cultivating camaraderie among classmates often leads to enduring friendships among college-goers. This is especially true for students enrolled in universities like Goodwin, which follows a cohort model. Because cohorts consistently pair you with the same classmates throughout your studies, you can foster profound relationships. In addition to facilitating collaborative thinking, these connections serve as a source of encouragement and support, nurturing a mutually conducive learning environment.

Reason #3: The skills for success

Are you looking to cultivate a diverse set of skills? There’s no better place to go than college!

In addition to developing career-specific skills, many programs offer opportunities to gain field-ready experience before you even graduate. Take, for example, Nursing — to prepare for licensure, you must complete clinical hours providing supervised care in a real-world setting. Not only does this invaluable experience yield long-term success — it also reinforces your professional confidence and competence.

“Goodwin’s OTA program helped me gain the skills and knowledge needed to be a successful and competent therapist. The hands-on approach to learning and real-world experience gained during fieldwork was invaluable! After graduating, I started a rewarding career as a COTA in pediatrics.”- Kiia Silverstrim, graduate

While it is critical to cultivate career-specific knowledge, higher education also facilitates a much broader set of skills. The journey to your diploma helps develop your critical thinking, problem-solving, and adaptability. Moreover, universities curate a learning environment that nurtures communication, teamwork, time management, and other broadly applicable soft skills. These aren’t just buzzwords — they’re the building blocks for success in today’s multifaceted workplaces.

Furthermore, honing such skills can improve your daily life — facilitating your efficiency and satisfaction to help you thrive.

At Goodwin, we put you first. Through comprehensive support services tailored to your needs, Goodwin provides the guidance and assistance you deserve on your journey to your degree. Learn how Goodwin can support your success today!

Reason #4: Accessible support

While higher education does support the development of your knowledge and skills, student-centered institutions provide broader scaffolds to success—aiding in your personal and professional development.

“Goodwin is so inclusive and nurturing for students and employees. Because of the resources they provided for people, being at Goodwin made me want to do better for myself. The people at Goodwin encouraged me from day one to the very end.” - Marlene Harris, graduate

Universities often offer more than academic support — providing services catered to individual needs, goals, and interests. Take, for example, counseling. Higher education can be stressful, especially while balancing personal and professional priorities. It’s no surprise that over half of college students seek counseling to help them manage their educational journey, and many universities provide highly accessible on-campus mental health services. At some schools, such as Goodwin, these services are cost-free to students. Whether you’re seeking guidance related to your education or your personal life, you’ll have access to the assistance you need.

Student support services also go beyond counseling. Personalized career services, tailored academic tutoring, and access to community resources are also accessible at many universities. These comprehensive services aid in your success beyond the classroom — providing you with the support you need to grow and flourish.

Reason #5: Degrees drive income

While attending a university may initially be a significant expense, research suggests it remains a worthwhile investment. According to studies conducted by Georgetown University, the Connecticut job market will see 197,000 new job openings annually between 2021 and 2031. Of these new positions, 135,000 will require a postsecondary education. To put this into perspective, this means over 68% of new jobs will be available only to those who’ve pursued higher education.

Furthermore, higher income will also correlate with college degrees. In addition to increasing your earning potential, receiving a college education reduces your likelihood of experiencing unemployment or a loss of insurance. The possibility of unemployment reduces even further when you pursue higher-level credentials; while receiving an associate degree cuts your likelihood of job loss down to less than 4%, only 0.1% of those with master’s degrees experience unemployment.

Debating Degrees — 6 Reasons Higher Education Still Matters Today

“I think it’s important for people to know that they are investing in their future. When you’re investing in college, of course, you want a return. By choosing Goodwin, you’re really getting that. I don’t think I would have gotten the support I’ve received here anywhere else.” - Holly DeVylder, graduate

If you’re still concerned about receiving a return on your educational investment, consider pursuing an in-demand career. For example, professionals with the background necessary to work in healthcare, management, and manufacturing are highly sought-after in the workforce.

Moreover, many universities are ready to help you negate the cost of college. Think about it — universities can’t exist without their students, so many schools enthusiastically offer financial aid to eligible students. You may find you qualify for more assistance than you realized! Better still, some forms of financial aid don’t require repayment; grants, scholarships, and work-study provide many students with the fiscal support they need to pursue higher education.

Reason #6: Higher ed inspires innovation

Higher education plays a pivotal role in driving advancements across various fields. Within the realms of university halls, innovation, research, and critical inquiry converge to propel societal and technological progress.

In healthcare, universities unravel disease mysteries and pioneer life-saving treatments. Technological evolution finds its roots in computer science and engineering departments, birthing revolutionary technologies. Beyond science, universities foster cultural understanding, artistic expression, and discussions on social change. Furthermore, institutions mold future leaders and contribute to economic growth through entrepreneurial ventures.

Higher education today

So, is higher education still relevant today? Absolutely. It’s not just about securing a job; it’s about equipping oneself with the tools, guidance, and knowledge necessary to navigate an ever-changing world, foster a lifelong love for learning, and contribute meaningfully to society. Higher education serves as a beacon of knowledge, a harbor of personal growth, and a gateway to a world of possibilities. Embrace your education, cherish it, and let it empower you on your journey to the future!

Ready to achieve your personal and professional goals? Get started with Goodwin! Learn more about how Goodwin University can help you become the changemaker and innovator you were always meant to be! Call 800-889-3282 or text 860-467-1511.

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