Ordinal Numbers

Ordinal numbers are the numbers that indicate the exact position of something or someone at a place. If the number of objects/persons are specified in a list: the position of the objects/persons is defined by ordinal numbers. The adjective terms which are used to denote the order of something/someone are 1st - First, 2nd-Second, 3rd-Third, 4th-Fourth, 5th-Fifth, 6th-Sixth, and so on. All these terms represent the ordinal numbers. Whereas the counting numbers are called cardinal numbers, such as 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc.

Table of Contents:

What are Ordinal Numbers?

An ordinal number is a type of number that is used to represent the position or rank of an object or a person. The sequence of ordinal numbers will vary depending on the parameters, based on which the positions are defined, such as size, weight, marks, etc. The ordinal numbers are also simply called ordinals.

Real-life Examples of Ordinal Numbers

Ordinal Numbers 1 to 100

The complete list of ordinal numbers from 1 to 100 are provided below in two parts.

Ordinal Numbers 1 to 50

The list of ordinal numbers from 1 to 50 is given below:

Ordinal Numbers 1 to 50 1st: First 11th: Eleventh 21st: Twenty-First 31st: Thirty-First 41st: Forty-First 2nd: Second 12th: Twelfth 22nd: Twenty-Second 32nd: Thirty-Second 42nd: Forty-Second 3rd: Third 13th: Thirteenth 23rd: Twenty-Third 33rd: Thirty-Third 43rd: Forty-Third 4th: Fourth 14th: Fourteenth 24th: Twenty-Fourth 34th: Thirty-Fourth 44th: Forty-Fourth 5th: Fifth 15th: Fifteenth 25th: Twenty-Fifth 35th: Thirty-Fifth 45th: Forty-Fifth 6th: Sixth 16th: Sixteenth 26th: Twenty-Sixth 36th: Thirty-Sixth 46th: Forty-Sixth 7th: Seventh 17th: Seventeenth 27th: Twenty-Seventh 37th: Thirty-Seventh 47th: Forty-Seventh 8th: Eighth 18th: Eighteenth 28th: Twenty-Eighth 38th: Thirty-Eighth 48th: Forty-Eighth 9th: Ninth 19th: Nineteenth 29th: Twenty-Ninth 39th: Thirty-Ninth 49th: Forty-Ninth 10th: Tenth 20th: Twentieth 30th: Thirtieth 40th: Fortieth 50th: Fiftieth

Ordinal Numbers 51 to 100

The list of ordinal numbers from 51 to 100 is given below:

Ordinal Numbers 51 to 100 51st: Fifty-First 61th: Sixty-First 71st: Seventy-First 81st: Eighty-First 91st: Ninety-First 52nd: Fifty-Second 62nd: Sixty-Second 72nd: Seventy-Second 82nd: Eighty-Second 92nd: Ninety-Second 53rd: Fifty-Third 63rd: Sixty-Third 73rd: Seventy-Third 83rd: Eighty-Third 93rd: Ninety-Third 54th: Fifty-Fourth 64th: Sixty-Fourth 74th: Seventy-Fourth 84th: Eighty-Fourth 94th: Ninety-Fourth 55th: Fifty-Fifth 65th: Sixty-Fifth 75th: Seventy-Fifth 85th: Eighty-Fifth 95th: Ninety-Fifth 56th: Fifty-Sixth 66th: Sixty-Sixth 76th: Seventy-Sixth 86th: Eighty-Sixth 96th: Ninety-Sixth 57th: Fifty-Seventh 67th: Sixty-Seventh 77th: Seventy-Seventh 87th: Eighty-Seventh 97th: Ninety-Seventh 58th: Fifty-Eighth 68th: Sixty-Eighth 78th: Seventy-Eighth 88th: Eighty-Eighth 98th: Ninety-Eighth 59th: Fifty-Ninth 69th: Sixty-Ninth 79th: Seventy-Ninth 89th: Eighty-Ninth 99th: Ninety-Ninth 60th: Sixtieth 70th: Seventieth 80th: Eightieth 90th: Ninetieth 100th: Hundredth

Difference Between Cardinal, Nominal and Ordinal Numbers

Apart from ordinal numbers, the other two types of numbers, which are used to represent objects or people are:

Cardinal Numbers: The counting numbers which are used to represent the number of objects or people are called Cardinal numbers. They are: One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten and so on.


Nominal Numbers: The numbers which are applied to name the objects in a group, are called nominal numbers. Using these numbers, it is easy to identify objects or a thing in a collection of things.


  1. Vehicles numbers like KA 05 1220, etc.
  2. Pin codes of different cities
  3. Player number in a match

Ordinal Numbers: The numbers that express the positions of an object or a person. The examples are:

Ordinal Numbers Chart

The chart for cardinal and ordinal numbers from 1 to 20 is given below:

Cardinal and Ordinal Numbers chart

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Solved Examples

Example 1:

In the word, “MAGNIFICENT”, which is the fifth and seventh letter?


MAGNIFICENT has eleven letters.

Both fifth and seventh position, in the word, has the same letter, i.e., I.

Fifth letter - I

Seventh letter - I

Example 2:

Aravind, Brinda, David, and Ellie are the students of a class, standing in a row, in the given order. Who is in the second position?


If Aravind, Brinda, David, and Ellie are standing in the given order, then Brinda is in the second position.

Example 3:

Write the ordinal numbers from one to ten.


The ordinal numbers from one to ten are:

Practice Questions on Ordinal Numbers

  1. What is the fifth letter in the word “BEAUTIFUL”?
  2. In the word “MADAM”, find the first and last letters?
  3. “There are ten balls in a bag”. Find the 9th letter in the given sentence.

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