1000 IELTS Speaking Questions (Updated 2024)

If you’re preparing for the IELTS Test, it’s important to know what IELTS Speaking questions might come up. In this article, we will provide an overview of the different parts of the Speaking test, as well as real questions from past exams.

Part 1: Introduction and Interview

The examiner will ask you questions about yourself and your life. These IELTS Speaking questions are usually easier to answer than the other two parts. The good news is all of the questions are about, and you are the world-leading expert on the topic of you.

Some examples of questions are:

-Can you tell me where you live?

-Do you work or study?

-What do you do in your free time?

To learn more about how to answer these types of questions, watch the following video:

Part 2: The ‘Long Turn’

The examiner will give you a topic card. You will have 1 minute to prepare your response. Then you will speak for 1-2 minutes on the topic. Don’t worry, the examiner will stop you when you reach 2 minutes.

The topics are random and cannot be predicted, but they are normally topics that anyone in the world can talk about.

Here are some examples of Part 2 IELTS Speaking questions that have been asked in previous years:

-Describe a time when you were really proud of yourself.

-Talk about a hobby that you enjoy.

-Tell me about a place that you have visited that you really liked.

To learn more about how to answer these types of questions, watch the following video:

Part 3: Discussion Questions

The examiner will ask you more detailed questions about the topic from Part 2. They may also ask you about other interrelated topics. They are normally on abstract IELTS Speaking questions, and resemble the kind of ‘academic’ questions you might get asked in IELTS Writing Task 2.

Here are some examples of questions that have been asked in previous years:

-What are the advantages and disadvantages of taking up a new hobby?

-Do you think people should return to their hometowns after finishing school or university?

-What are the benefits of living in a big city?

Below are some example questions from real tests.DO NOT prepare answers for these IELTS Speaking questions. The IELTS test is not a test of memorization. Use these IELTS Speaking questions to practice and familiarise yourself with the test.

Image: Beige-Playful-Illustration-Public-Speaking-Skill-Infographic-1-410x1024

Part 1 IELTS Speaking Questions



Art & Photography


Bags & Boat




Clothes, Fashion & Photos




Daily Routine





Family & Housework




Gift & Noise

High School




Indoor Activities & Transportation




Mobile Phones




Musical Instruments


Newspaper And Magazine

Outdoor Activities

Patience & Politeness

Public Transport



The internet

The Sea





Volunteer Works




Part 2 IELTS Speaking Questions


Describe an advertisement that persuaded you to buy a product. You should say:

Explain why you think that advertisement made the product seem attractive.

A Challenging Thing You Did

Describe a challenging thing you have done. You should say:

and explain why you thought it was challenging.

A Person You Know

Describe an old person that you know. You should say:

Explain why you like them.

Describe a child that you know and like a lot. You should say:

Explain why you like them a lot.

Describe someone who has had an important influence on your life. You should say:

Explain why they have had such an influence on you.

Describe a person that you think is very interesting. You should say:

Explain why this person is very interesting.

Describe a (very) intelligent person you know. You should say:

and explain why you think this person is intelligent.

Describe your favourite teacher from school. You should say:

Explain why you remember this teacher so well.

Describe your favourite childhood friend. You should say:

and explain what made you like him/her.

Describe a person you know who loves to grow plants (vegetables, fruits, flowers). Please tell me:

explain why they enjoy growing plants

Describe a present or gift you have given someone. You should say:

Explain why you decided to give this particular gift.

Describe a present or gift someone gave you that you really liked. You should say:

Explain why you liked it.

Describe a person who taught you something important. You should say:

and explain why you think what they taught is important.


Describe an interesting animal you have seen. You should say:

and explain why you think this animal is interesting.


Talk about a painting you would like to have in your home. You should say:

and explain why you want to have it in your home.

A Time When Someone Apologised To You

Describe a time when someone apologised to you. You should say:

and explain why they apologised to you.


Talk about a book you are reading now or have read recently. You should say:

And say if you would like to read something else similar or not, and why

Talk about a book you have never read but would like to read. You should mention:

And say how you think it will compare to other books you have read

Talk about a book or novel you recently read. Please tell me:

And why do you think you will read the book again or not?


Describe a building that you particularly like. You should say:

Explain why you like this building.


Describe a small business you want to start. You should say:

and explain why you want to start this business.

Describe a successful small business that you know about. You should say:

and explain why you think this business/company is successful.


Describe a positive change in your life. You should say:

and describe how it affected you later in life.


Describe your favourite piece of clothing. You should say:

And explain why it is your favourite piece of clothing.

Describe a uniform you have worn (such as a school or company uniform). You should say:

and explain how you felt about that uniform.


Describe your favourite city or a city you have visited that you like very much. You should say:

And the major attractions in this city are


Describe an organisation or a company that you know. Please say

And if you would like to work there.

Daily Routine

Describe your favourite part of the day. You should say:

Explain why this is your favourite part of the day.


Describe an important decision you have made. You should say:

and explain why the decision was so important.

Electronic Devices

Describe a useful electronic device you would like to own. You should say:

and explain why you would like it.

Describe a piece of electronic equipment that you have. You should say:

and describe why it is important to you

Describe a piece of electronic equipment that you find useful. You should say:

and explain why you find this piece of electronic equipment useful.


Describe a comedian that you think is very funny. You should say:

Explain why you think this comedian is very funny.

Describe a TV show that you enjoy. You should say:

Explain why you like it.

Describe a performance you enjoyed watching. You should say:

and explain why you enjoyed the performance.


Describe an environmental problem or event. You should say:

And what do you think will happen in the future regarding this event.


Describe a type of exercise that you like to do. You should say:

Explain why you like this particular exercise.

Exciting Experience

Describe an exciting experience you’ve had. You should say:

And explain what made this experience especially exciting.


Talk about the last time your whole family got together. You should mention:

And say if you would like to do the same thing again soon or not, and why

Describe a family member that you get on well with. You should mention:

And say why you think you have a good relationship

Describe one of your relatives. You should say:

And say which other relative of yours they are most similar to

Describe a family member you spend a lot of time with. You should say:

and explain why you spend the most time with him/her.


Describe a famous food from your hometown or country. You should say:

And say why you think it is famous

Describe a meal that you had that you remember well. You should say:

Explain why you remember this particular occasion.

Describe a meal that you ate out. You should say:

Explain why you remember this meal.


Describe a friend who has played an important part in your life. You should say:

And explain why this person has been important in your life

Describe a friend you had in primary school. You should say:

And say whether you are still in contact with that person or not, and why


Describe a piece of furniture that you own. You should say:

and explain why you like it.


Describe a garden or park you enjoyed visiting. You should say:

and explain why you liked it.


Describe a present that you gave someone. You should say:

And say how that present compares to other presents you have given that person or other people.


Describe your (or your friend’s) experience with an illness or injury. You should say:

and say how you feel about it now.

Describe something healthy you enjoy doing. You should say:

and explain why you think doing this is healthy.

Describe an article you read in a magazine or on the Internet that could help people improve their health. You should say:

and explain why (you think) it could improve people’s health.


Describe a time when you helped someone. You should say:

And if you will help them in the future.


Describe a historical place that you have visited. You should say:

and describe your experience of the place.


Talk about a leisure activity you did when you were a child. You should say:

And say if you have become more or less interested in that hobby since you were a child, and why.


Talk about an activity you like doing when you are on holiday. You should say:

And say whether you also enjoyed doing that when you were a child or not, and why

Talk about somewhere you went on holiday. You should say:

And say if you would recommend that holiday to a friend or not, and why

Talk about your dream holiday. You should say:

And say if you ever think you will go on a holiday like that or not, and why

Talk about your plans for your next long vacation. You should say:

And say how likely you are to do what you have planned and why.


Describe a house or apartment you would like to live in. You should say:

and explain why you would like to live in this place.


Describe an important building in your hometown or city. You should say:

and explain why you think it is important.

Describe a change that could improve your local area. You should say:

and explain how this change would improve your local area.


Describe someone who has had an important influence in your life. You should say:

and explain why this person has had such an influence on you.


Describe a website that you often use. You should say:

And how it compares to other similar websites.


Talk about one method of learning a foreign language you have used. You should say:

And say if you will use that same method in the future or not, and why

Talk about an English language book you have read or used. You should say:

And say if you would use a similar book again or not, and why

Talk about a language test you have taken. You should say:

And say if you think the test was a good indicator of your language level or not, and why.


Describe an important lake/river in your country. Please tell me:

explain why it is important


Describe a time you were late for something. You should say:

and explain what happened because you were late.


Describe the most useful household appliance that you have. You should say:

And explain why it is so important to you.


Describe an occasion when you forgot something important. You should say:

And if you think this will happen again.


Describe a happy childhood event. You should say:

Explain why you remember this particular occasion.

Mobile phone

Describe a time when you couldn’t use your mobile phone. You should say:

and explain why you were not able to use your mobile phone.


Describe what you would do if you received a very large amount of money. You should say:

and explain how you would feel about getting so much money.

Describe a special day out that cost you little money/did not cost you much. You should say:

and explain how you feel about the day.

Describe something (special) that you saved money to buy. You should say:

and explain how you felt when (or, after) you bought it.


Talk about a musical instrument you would like to be able to play but have never tried. You should say:

And say if you think you will ever try to play that instrument or not, and why

Describe your favourite song. You should say:

Explain why it is your favourite song.


Describe an interesting piece of news that you have recently read about or heard about. You should say:

and explain why this news story was interesting to you.

Describe some good news that you recently received. You should say:

Explain why this was good news.

Describe a person who is often in the news and who you would like to meet. You should say:

and explain why you would like to meet him/her.


Describe people that you know and believe to be very good parents. You should say:

And explain what it requires to be good parents.


Describe the best party you have been to. You should say:

and explain what made it so enjoyable.

Talk about a birthday party you can remember well. You should say:

And say how it was different from other birthdays you have had before or since

Describe a typical festival or celebration in your country. You should say:

And say if that is your favourite celebration or not, and why

Describe your favourite festival or celebration. You should say:

And say how that festival or celebration compares to others in your country or abroad.

Describe a crowded place you’ve been to. You should say:

and explain how you felt about the place.


Talk about one thing you are going to do next weekend. You should mention:

And say whether you are looking forward to it or not and why

Talk about one thing you are planning to do after you pass the IELTS test. You should say:

And say whether there are any other options for what you could do which might be just as good.

Talk about a goal or ambition you have. You should say:

And say if you think you will achieve that goal or ambition or not, and why

Presents or Gifts

Describe a photograph that you like. You should say:

Explain why you like the photograph.


Describe something which is produced in your country, such as food, a handicraft, or a car. You should say:

and explain why your country produces this thing.


Describe your favourite book. You should say:

Explain why this book is your favourite.

Describe a website that you visit a lot. You should say:

Explain why you visit the website a lot.


Describe a restaurant or a cafe you often go to. You should say:

And say why you like it.


Describe a traffic rule or law you know about. You should say:

and explain why this rule is important.

Describe a rule you had to obey when you were in school. You should say:

and what would happen if students broke the rule.


Describe a school that you are attending or attended in the past. You should say:

And say if you think it is a good school building or not, and why

Talk about a subject you would like to study in the future. You should say:

And say if you think you will start studying it soon or not, and why


Describe an area of science that you are interested in. You should say

And explain how this area of science helps you

Describe a scientific subject that you learned about in high school. You should say:

and explain how this subject helped you in your life.


Describe a shopping street in your hometown. You should say:

And say if you think shopping there will become more or less popular in the future, and why.

Describe a shop in your hometown or the place you are living now. You should say:

And, if you think it will be popular or not in the future, and why

Social Problems

Describe a problem in your city. You should say:

and say what can be done to solve or reduce the effects of this problem.

Something Difficult To Use

Describe something you bought that was difficult to use at first. You should say:

and explain why it was difficult to use at first.


Talk about a sport you like doing or watching. You should say:

And say if you think it is an easy sport to do or not, and why

Talk about a sport many people enjoy, but you have never tried. You should say:

And say if you think you will do this sport in the near future or not, and why

Talk about a sport that interests you, but you have never tried. You should say:

And say if you think you will ever do this sport or not, and why

Describe a sporting event you attended. You should say:

Explain why you consider this event to be of interest.

Describe a sport that you would like to try. You should say:

Explain why this sport would be good to try.


Describe the best teacher you have had. You should say:

and explain why you think this person was the best teacher you’ve had.

Text message

Describe an important text message you received. You should say:

and explain why the message was important to you.


Describe something you own which is very important to you. You should say:

And explain why it is important to you.

Traditional Product

Talk about a traditional product which is very popular in your country. You should say

And if it is popular in other countries.


Describe the transportation system in your hometown or the place you are living now. You should say:

And say if you think most people are happy with the transportation system or not, and why.

Talk about one means of transportation that you often use. You should mention:

And say if you think you will use that means of transport more or less often in the future, and why.

Describe a trip you took by public transport. You should say:

and explain how you felt about the trip.


Describe a journey you have been on. You should say:

And say whether you think it was easy to take this journey or not, and why.

Talk about something tourists like to do in your country. You should say:

And say if you think it will become more popular or less popular in the future and why

Talk about a day trip you have been on. You should say:

And say whether you would like to go back to the same place again or not, and why.

Talk about a part of your country you have never been to but would like to visit. You should say:

And say how you first became interested in going to that place.

Talk about a foreign country you have never been to but would like to visit. You should say:

And say how you first became interested in going to that place.

Describe a country you would like to visit in the future that you haven’t been to yet. You should say:

Explain why this country would be such a good place to visit.

Describe a lake, a river or a sea you have visited. You should say:

Explain why you like this particular place.

Describe a holiday that you recently went on that you enjoyed. You should say:

Explain why this holiday was enjoyable.

Traditional Product

Describe a traditional product in your country. You should say:

and explain how you feel about it.


Describe a TV programme that you often watch. You should say:

And say if you think that programme is better than other TV programmes that are on at the same time or not, and why


Describe a plant, vegetable or crop that you are familiar with. You should say:

And explain why it is important for your country.


Describe a time when the weather prevented you from doing something. You should say:

and explain how you felt when you had to change your plans.


Describe your dream job. You should say:

And say if you think you will be able to get a job like that or not, and why.

Describe your dream workplace. You should say:

And say if you think you will ever work in a place like that or not, and why.

Talk about a job you have done or know about. You should say:

And say if you think it is a satisfying job to do or not, and why.

Talk about a job someone in your family does.You should say:

And say if you think that person enjoys their job or not, and why.

Describe a workplace you have worked in or know about.You should say:

And say if you think it is a good place to work or not, and why.

Describe a job you would like to do in the future.You should say:

And say if you think you will be able to get that job or not, and why.

Image: IELTS-listening-5

Part 3 IELTS Speaking Questions

A Challenging Thing You Did

A Member of A Team










Daily Routine


Desired Change to Local Area

Eating habits


Electronic Devices




Exciting Experience















Leisure activities



Mobile phones














Social Problems

Something Difficult to Use






Text Message


Time When Someone Apologised to You

Traditional Products







Disclaimer: Please note that these questions were gathered by asking hundreds of our students to send in their practice questions. Whilst every effort has been made to make sure mistakes have been removed, with so many of them, mistakes may still be present. These IELTS Speaking Questions are for educational purposes only.

Extra IELTS Speaking Questions

British Council Practice Questions

IELTS Speaking Resources

Link nội dung: https://career.edu.vn/ielts-speaking-band-a47951.html